Our Blog
The Weekend Essentials
It’s a beautiful weekend in South Africa, and no doubt like every South African, you’re planning a weekend of outdoor activities. And to add to that “no doubt”, we have an item of luggage to go with whatever you’re planning.
Hey Dad, you need a (Thandana) bag!
We all have that dad, stashing his ‘goodness know what’ in that magic drawer that could give Mary Poppins a run for her money. But when it comes to travel, we can bet his travel bags have seen a lot of things, and where some may call it “vintage”, we call it, “time to get with the times, Pops!”
Love in the Time of Luggage | His and Hers
Charles Schultz says “Love is sharing your popcorn.” And we’re pretty happy he didn’t say, “love is sharing your luggage”, because to be honest, when it comes to his and hers, we prefer to keep our packing habits to ourselves.
Trend Alert - Prints! Thandana's new prints for SS21/22
Prints are everything. There we said it. It’s what makes Thandana, Thandana and most of all what make you, you.
Summer Essentials: Cooler Bags
Now that the fourth wave is bidding us adieu, we’re prepping our social calendar for those lazy afternoon lunches and beach picnics.
Summer Essentials: Beach Bags
The summer holidays might be over but the real summer season has just begun in South Africa.
How To Plan A Staycation | Your Ultimate Guide On Packing for A Local Holiday
Don’t let travel bans get in the way of that travel bug. Go on a Staycation! Learn how to plan and pack for a local holiday.