We all have that dad, stashing his ‘goodness know what’ in that magic drawer that could give Mary Poppins a run for her money. But when it comes to travel, we can bet his travel bags have seen a lot of things, and where some may call it “vintage”, we call it, “time to get with the times, Pops!” I know we can’t guarantee that our bags for dads are going to become the new “magic draw”, but we can guarantee that dad will be able to stash his travelling bits in a bag that says, “I’m cool.” So this fathers day, we say, “it’s time to get dad a (Thandana) bag!

Not sure what bag to get your dad? We know they come in different personalities (yes, we talking about your dad, not the bag) so we’ve rounded up our top “dads” and matched a bag just for them:

The Organised Dad 

Woe Betide you just throw everything in the back of the car with this dad around, there is a method, and it comes with army precisian. For this type of dad we say “get him some compartments!” Whether it's the roll up toiletry with a section for every man-thing, a wallet to keep all those business cards from an analogue era or a stylish yet organised briefcase, we’ve got this dad-type covered! 

Browse our organised bags:

The Adventure Dad 

Always on the go and never says no, we love adventure dad! But we know that with adventure dad it’s all about catching those waves, weekend-warrior’ing around the mountain bike trails and living in the moment, so be kind dear hearts and nudge him in a simple direction or keeping his sh*t together. Give him a backpack that doubles as a camera bag to keep his quests documented, a wallet to tuck into the back of his cycling shirt or simple vanity for the suncream to keep in his car. We like to think it’s the thought that counts… with ulterior motifs.

Shop the kit here: 

The Commuting Dad 

To honour the dads that work hard for our daily flat whites and also to keep our stamp on their good looks while they’re travelling back and forth between big cities, we’ve got their gifts covered. Constant travel can really take a toll on your luggage, so why not get him something that will stand the test of time, and who knows, may even become that “vintage” piece one day? Keep his money safe with a travel wallet, take care of his overhead luggage with a cabin bag, or get him a stylish piece to show off at the office. We see you commuting dads, and we want you to know we appreciate you! 

Shop travel items here:

The Stylish Dad 

You can’t just get the stylish dad anything, I mean look at him? Every inch of his good looks is curated, (thank you gene pool) and thank you wives and daughters for keeping him in check when the seasons change. This lad needs some leather, whether it’s a fancy new work satchel (yes, satchel is what the cool kids call a man bag these days), a large weekender for those overnight trips with the fam or a double vanity for all the grooming bits he needs to keep his man glow, going. Spoil this human, he deserves it!

Stylish buys for a stylish dude:

The Stay-at-Home Dad

Kudos to you stay-at-home dad, we see you, we appreciate you and we love that you are here for our kids when we’ve decided to lady-boss it. We get that you don’t need the fancy nappy bags for tinkerbell dates, but we would like you to not always feel you need to juggle it all - so here, have a stylish dad-bag and make those moms swoon! And while you're at it, don't forget your lunch with a mini cooler bag and if you are heading to the beach to let those little ones free, get him a caddy cooler to keep his life social too. 

A few bags for that hero dad:

The Social Dad

It’s all about weekly braais, after-work catch ups and weekends away with social dad. He keeps us on our toes with his busy social circle, and often brings home new friends he’s met at some dude-date. We love this about him and because we care we want to get him a bag that says, “I’m a cool dad”. From our brewski coolers, our *NEW laminated cooler box for social gatherings to the laptop backpack making after work catch ups a little more stylish, we can guarantee these bags are friend magnets!

Shop the social scene here:

Wishing all the dad’s a fantastic fathers day, and we hope that you get super spoiled for being the loving lads you are. From all of us at Thandana Bags, Happy Father’s Day! 

June 06, 2022